Pada penghujung April lalu (28 April), saya berkesempatan untuk menghadiri pusingan akhir (pusingan ketiga) aktiviti pole fishing yang dilangsungkan di Fish Valley Semenyih.
Whip pole fishing merupakan satu segmen pancingan air tawar dalam method pole fishing.
Ia merupakan salah satu kaedah pancingan tertua khususnya di Eropah. Namun, konsep pancingan lebih tertumpu kepada skil dan teknik berbanding nasib ini masih berstatus baby di negara.
Berbanding negara Jepun, China atau Vietnam ternyata kita masih terlalu jauh ke belakang.
Bagi memakmurkan konsep pancingan ini, Whip Pole Action (WPA) dengan kerjasama Team Matsumoto telah mengadakan satu liga pertandingan bagi memperkenalkan sukan memancing ini disamping mencari bakat-bakat baru untuk menyertainya.
Peraturan & syarat pertandingan.
Match: 9.00am – 1.00pm (2 session 1.5hr each)
Method: Whip/Pole
Bait: Paste bait
Score: Total weight
Rule: Maximum 2 single hook (Barbless)
Pond Fee: RM30
Entry fee: RM10
Rules & regulations.
- Maximum of 2 hooks used at one time
- Only paste bait is allowed
- All hooks must be barbless
- No ground baiting / chumming is allowed before or during the match
- No baited hooks are allowed in the water before the match starts
- All participants are required to have their own keep & landing nets. * keep nets have to be at least 2m long
- All fish must be landed by the participant themself
- All poles must measure no longer than 5m
- Safety lines/attached lines cannot be used to fight & land fishes
- Total length of line and hook length may not be longer than 10cm past the length of the pole. All rules will be strictly enforced and any participants found to be breaking them will be immediately disqualified.
Remark: Fish above 2kg will be recorded & to be release
Matsumoto will be sponsoring a bag of paste bait to all participants like before. Those who wish to have a Matsumoto T-shirt pls state your size.